IRES in Royal Speeches

Picture of the king Mohammed 6

Extract from the 2003 Throne Speech

Tangier, 30 july 2003

"... Notre pays vit une transition globale qui nécessite le renforcement de ses capacités d'analyse, d'adaptation et d'anticipation. Aussi, avons-Nous décidé de créer un institut royal des études stratégiques pour remplir cette mission essentielle afin d'être en interaction permanente avec les changements et de maîtriser et d'agir sur les mutations profondes qui s'opèrent au niveau interne et externe..."

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Presentation of the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies

The vocation of IRES is to contribute to making decisions on strategic issues. Its mission is to carry out strategic studies and analyses on matters submitted by His Majesty the King and perform a strategic watch function, both at the national and international level, in various areas considered as strategic for the country. IRES analyses domestic structural issues, examines Morocco’s external relations in their multiple dimensions and attaches great attention to global issues.


As a result, IRES has, today, important assets that deserve to be highlighted:

  • IRES has succeeded to build a genuine skill in studying strategic issues and in producing reference documents and strategic annual reports according to the principles of prospective meta-analysis methodology.
  • IRES has also developed specific expertise in international relations, based on a multidimensional approach.
  • IRES has set up a prospective watch scheme covering the main internal concerns of the Kingdom, its external relations as well as global issues.
  • IRES has asserted itself as a centre for serene debates that calls for cross-examination of various issues, through the organization of meetings almost every week.
  • IRES has been playing an ever-increasing role in the field of intellectual diplomacy.

In short, IRES has three functions:

  • IRES.Think Tank: To study strategic issues with a strong impact on the future of the country.
  • IRES.Veille: To monitor and analyse key trends within the national, regional and international context.
  • IRES.Forum: A space for serene debates, conducive to the cross-examination of various strategic issues.

The three aims of IRES


Think Tank

To study strategic issues with a strong impact on the future of the country.


To monitor and analyse key trends within the national, regional and international context.


A space for serene debates, conducive to the cross-examination of various strategic issues.


In accordance with the Dahir of creation of the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies, IRES has a Steering Committee constituted of personalities appointed by His Majesty The King. The Director General is appointed by His Majesty The King. He has the authority and powers necessary to the management of the institute and the execution of its missions. He ensures, among others, a strategic role leading to promote the influence of IRES at the national and international level.

Operating in project mode, the institute has a flexible structure composed of a flexible structure composed of an academic unit, a foreseight watch unit and a support unit.Through a comprensive and holistic approach, this mode of organization allows the institute to operate with an optimized team, able to lead the strategic thinking.

IRES staff is ruled by a statute that precises the rights and obligations of this staff, by the decisions of the Director General as well as the appointment letters and engagement letters.

The Management team comprises "des chargés de mission" and an organization officer. Staff in charge of study and foresight watch include program and study coordinators as well as programme officers. Staff in charge of support covers human and financial resources, information and documentation systems, general support and cooperation.

The institute also includes for research, expertise from academic researchers and associate researchers. Scientific councils or reviewing committee by peers are constituted in order to ensure that IRES’s work is in line with the most rigorous quality standards at international level.

The quest for excellence, innovation and rigour are key principles of IRES’s charter of values. The culture of the institute relies on values and practices to which adhere the whole staff members taking into account the reference positioning of the institute as defined in its Dahir of creation.

Dahir of creation of the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies


Director General biography

Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE

Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE was born on the 4th, April 1952 in Rabat. He graduates from the Paris Polytechnic School in 1974 and got a degree also from the Paris Mining School in 1976. 

He started his professional career at the “Office Chérifien des Phosphates” and at the “Société Nationale de Sidérurgie”. In 1979, he joined the Prime Minister cabinet, where he contributed to the assessment of public organizations and companies. Between August 1982 and June 1995, he held various positions within the ONA Group: Director of Studies and Development until 1989, Director General of Financial Sector and of the holding “Financière Diwan" from 1990 to 1995, Director General of Telecommunication and Information System Pole from 1992 to 1994. 

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